
  • Valor Distinguished Professor in Humanities; Professor of 历史
    LH 210

    Professor 斯蒂芬妮·米切尔 moved to 出赛 in 2002 from the United Kingdom, where she had completed her doctorate at the Oxford University. 在那之前, she served as Professor of International Relations at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), 墨西哥.

    She had never visited the Midwest before accepting the position at Carthage and she was afraid of the winters, 但过了一段时间, the warmth of the Carthage community persuaded her to stay. 在bv伟德ios下载, she teaches a variety of courses on Latin American history including 墨西哥, 中美洲, 南美, 和加勒比海. A passionate advocate for undergraduate research, she also regularly teaches the department’s senior thesis seminar. She has led study abroad experiences in Guatemala and England. Her research interests include women’s history, especially women’s suffrage history in hemispheric context, the Mexican Revolution, and the Guatemalan civil war.


    Immigration and Economic Migrants. A Historic Prospective With Prof. 斯蒂芬妮·米切尔
Professor Mitchell discusses immigration and the economy. (Racine Writer-in-Residence, July 3, 2019)

    Looking Back at the Work of Early Suffragists, Striving to Cross Boundaries

    Professor Mitchell discusses the two-week gathering last summer that focused on women’s struggles for the right to vote across the Americas. (出赛 新闻, May 31, 2019)

    Migrants seek peace from a history of U.S.-中美洲n violence
    Professor 斯蒂芬妮·米切尔 writes op-ed on 中美洲n caravan. (出赛 新闻, December 9, 2019)

    • D.菲尔。. ——牛津大学
    • M.A., B.A. — University of Virginia
    • HIS 1400 Issues in Latin American 历史: 中美洲
    • HIS 1410 Dictatorship and Democracy: 历史 of 南美
    • HIS 2200 Historical Methods
    • HIS 3050 历史 of 墨西哥
    • HIS 4000研讨会
    • NEH Summer Institute Women’s Suffrage in the Americas Carthage, 2018

    • Current book project: “Women’s Suffrage in the Americas” co-edited with Dr. Patti Harms, Brandon University, under contract with U. 新墨西哥出版社.
    • “The Women’s Revolution, 墨西哥 1917-1943,” co-edited with Dr. Patience Schell, Rowan and Littlefield, 2007.

    Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters

    • “Death of a Revolution: Women’s Suffrage and Mugiquismo in the 1940 Election in 墨西哥” in Susie Porter and Bill Beezley’s Forgotten 叙述s of the Mexican Revolution, to be published by U. Nebraska Press, forthcoming.
    • “President Lazaro Cardenas and Cardenismo,” in “Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American 历史,” Oxford University Press, 2017.
    • “记忆, 历史, 叙述, 身份, 剧院, and Vocation: Dejando Huellas and the Nuevo Horizonte Story,” submitted for publication to Descentrada: revista interdisciplinaria de femenismos y de género.
    • “Revolutionary Feminism, Revolutionary Politics: Suffrage under Cardenismo” Americas, 卷72, 3号, 2015年7月.
    • “The Women’s Revolution: The Revolutionary Women’s Movement to 1940” Revolución, historia y legado. Una visión exógena. Coordinado por Federico Fernández Christlieb y Guadalupe C. Gómez Aguado de Alba. Editado por el Centro de Enseñanza para Extranjeros, UNAM, 2012.
    • “路易斯·G. 弗朗哥,” “Alcohol and Temperance in Modern 历史: An International Encyclopedia,(牛津:ABC-Clio, 2003).
    • “Dirección Anti-alcoholica” “Alcohol and Temperance in Modern 历史: An International Encyclopedia,(牛津:ABC-Clio, 2003).
    • “埃米利奥·波特吉尔,” “Alcohol and Temperance in Modern 历史: An International Encyclopedia,(牛津:ABC-Clio, 2003).

    Published Book Reviews

    • 米切尔,年代tephanie. 即将到来的. “Volunteering for a Cause: Gender, 信仰, and Charity in 墨西哥 from the Reform to the Revolution by Silvia Marina Arrom. Abuquerque: 新墨西哥出版社, 2016.” Journal of Latin American Studies.
    • 米切尔,年代tephanie. 即将到来的. “Seen and Heard in 墨西哥: Children and Revolutionary Cultural Nationalism. By Elena JacksonAlbarrán Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2015” The Americas.
    • 米切尔,年代tephanie. 2014. “Religion and State Formation in Postrevolutionary 墨西哥. 本·法劳. Durham: Duke UP, 2013.”The Latin Americanist. 58, no. 2: 181-183.
    • 米切尔,年代tephanie. 2010. “Imagining la Chica Moderna: Women, Nation, and Visual Culture in 墨西哥, 1917-1936”. 社会历史. 35, no. 3: 339-378.
    • 米切尔,年代tephanie. 2009. “From Colony to Nation: Women Activists and the Gendering of Politics in Belize, 1912-1982”.Women’s 历史 Review. 18, no. 3: 508-510.
    • 米切尔,年代. 2011. “Gabriela Cano, Se Llamaba Elena Arizmendi”.JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES. 43: 164.
    • (米切尔,年代. 2007. “Jocelyn Olcott, Mary Kay Vaughan, and Gabriela Cano (Eds.), Sex in Revolution: Gender, Politics, and Power in Modern 墨西哥”. JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES. 39: 861-862.
    • 米切尔,年代. 2005. “Church and State 教育 in Revolutionary 墨西哥 City”.女权主义评论. 79: 182-185.